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Byron Hikers Club Incorporated

Mt Cobberas Wilderness Apr 26-31

Sat, 26 Apr 2025
26-04-2025 06:00
30-04-2025 22:00

Mt Cobberas 1 and Mt Cobberas 2 are my spiritual hiking peaks, overlooking Cowombat Flat where the Murray River rises. Don and I were introduced to this wilderness area at the southernmost end of Kosci National Park when we were students, by 'old Norm' who ran the Buchan General Store. We are drawn back periodically and would love to share it. You would need to be in Melbourne for an early drive with us on Friday April 6, or there is a posibilty that Geoff will be driving down from Canberra through Jindabyne that day.

All but the last day is offtrack. The twin peaks are around 1800m elevation and they look east over the Byadbo WIlderness area, north to Mt Pilot (1800m ) and Kosci. The VIctorian Alps are seen in the distant west. This is rugged country with the Australian Allpine Walking Trail passing under the peaks to the west. Grade 4: more info, Leader Steve 0414 312 917    Assistant leader Don.


Ticket Type Price
Mt Cobberas WIlderness April 26-30 $0.00
Total: $

Byron Shire, New South Wales, 2481, Australia

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